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MyLTCCaddy.com Visits the Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center
30 July 2018

MyLTCCaddy.com Visits the Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center

The Mantra of MyLTCCaddy.com

Here at MyLTCCaddy.com we strive to be more than agents selling Long Term Care insurance (LTCi). Our intent is to be an educational resource to the expanding senior population, as well as to people who are beginning to think about retirement. Through community outreach, research, and communications our goal is to get people thinking about what a secure retirement requires. Recognition leads to planning. We know a lot about Long Term Care insurance, but we also know a lot about the elements that surround the risk. That's why we are here.

MyLTCCaddy.com Visits the Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center

In May 2018 Zack and Corbin of MyLTCCaddy.com paid a visit to Lisa Rice, the director of the Glazier Center in Houston, Texas. Lisa told us that Commissioner Steve Radack originally opened the Center as a technology education facility for seniors. But it is much much more these days. The Glazier Center offers hundreds of courses ranging from gardening to mental health to financial planning to learning to play the ukulele. And of course don't forget the technology classes like how to shop safely online.

This part of Houston was hit hard by Hurricane Harvey, and the Glazier Center was no exception. But the facility bounced back better than ever after extensive renovations. The Glazier center is modern with an open architecture, both welcoming and efficient. The main hall is filled with natural light. It is equipped with up-to-date lecture halls, classrooms, and a tech center to name a few features. Management and staff are professional while courteous.

If you are in the Houston area come visit the Glazier Senior Center and sign up for a course. They're free! The only requirement is that you be of age 55 and above.

Zack and Corbin Present LTC Seminar at Thomas Glazier Center

In June 2018 the members of MyLTCCaddy.com, Zack Derryberry and Corbin Stevens presented "Navigating the Long Term Care Landscape for the Baby Boomer and Retiree Population" at the Glazier Center. It was a success. Approximately 40 people attended and the discussion was engaging. 

For a PDF of the presentation inquire at: info@myltccaddy.com

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